Churchill Weekly Photos – Rail Repairs

Sixteen months following washouts that disabled the Hudson Bay Railroad tracks between Churchill and Gillam, crews are working seven days a week to repair over 20 hazard locations that were affected by the water. New owners, Arctic Gateway, has high hopes that work can be completed before the polar bear season when winter has the region in its grips. So far the work is progressing at an impressive pace with crews reaching the 410-mile marker. We will keep you posted as the progress continues over the next month! Enjoy these images from Arctic Gateway!


Churchill Photo of the Week – Sleepy Polar Bear

polar bear napping in Churchill

A sleepy polar bear waking up from an afternoon nap Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.

It’s hard to believe that polar bear season in Churchill is only two months away! This magnificent sleepy polar bear image is another gem from Churchill photographer and guide Alex De Vries – Magnifico. This polar bear season will be another filled with imagination and countless surprises in and around the coastal village of Churchill on the Hudson Bay. So, it’s time to almost wake up and venture north to see these beautiful animals in a breathtaking Arctic landscape! 

Churchill Highlight Photos

Churchill gyr falcon

Gyr falcon perched in a tree in Churchill. Katie De Meulles photo.


aurora borealis churchill

Circular aurora borealis over the Wapusk Adventures dogsled camp in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


churchill polar bear

Looking ahead to the new year of 2018. Drew Hamilton photo.


Arctic fox in Churchill

Arctic fox with a needed meal in winter. Bill McPherson photo.


polar bear in Churchill

Pensive polar bear in the Churchill willows. GWB photo.


Incredible wildlife photos from Churchill and some pretty amazing photographers. The seasons of Churchill are big and punctuated by the most diverse life on the planet while situated in a remote area of southern Hudson Bay. Enjoy!

Churchill Photo of the Week – Beluga Bite

belugas and zodiac in Churchill

Belugas trying to taste Sea North Tours’ zodiac. Jossum McClean photo.

The beluga whales of the Hudson Bay and particularly the Churchill River estuary are extremely curious marine mammals that love to troll along with the zodiacs. Rarely do they try to take a chomp at the fine Italian rubber that forms the boats but this guy had some craving I guess. Beluga season in Churchill always brings new surprises that you never expect to see….looks like this one has more in store for us all!

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