A lone beluga whale took a vacation in London, England this week! The trip began with a leisurely swim up the Thames River around the Gravesland area about 30 miles east of London. The rare sight was captured on this video as well as many others posted on social media.
Helicopters from local news stations hovered above and local officials advised onlookers on boats to keep their distance. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation group was as surprised as anyone witnessing this incredible sighting.
Belugas at the back of the zodiac in the Churchill River in Churchill, Manitoba. Stephanie Fernandez photo.
“Beluga whales inhabit cold, Arctic waters off Greenland, Svalbard and in the Barents Sea,” the group said in a statement. “There have only been around 20 sightings of beluga whales off the U.K. coast previously, but these have occurred off Northumberland, Northern Ireland and Scotland.”
The last beluga whale spotted in the United Kingdom was off the coast of Northern Ireland three years ago,
Animal welfare organizations including the RSPCA are, “working with other agencies to monitor the situation” and have researchers on the scene to monitor the whale.
This video by CTV News signals the announcement of the Port of Churchill and the Hudson Bay Rail Line is truly official. Churchill residents are ecstatic over the news and repairs to the rail line are already underway with hopes of finishing before the winter freeze-up hits! What amazing news for the town and everyone involved!
Check out this 10-year-old video of what the train from The Pas to Churchill used to look like. It seems like it’s been that long since the train last ran even though it has been only over a year at this point. The suffering in Churchill has been tremendous and loss of employment and relocation has dampened spirits in the frontier outpost on the Hudson Bay. Hopes are high an agreement can be made soon to rebuild the damaged track along the Hudson Bay Line and get the lifeline restored.
Conservation officers in Churchill are always on alert when keeping the town safe from polar bears approaching the isolated village on the Hudson Bay coast. This video highlights the process once the polar bear is captured. Polar bear monitoring is a complicated and measured skill taken very seriously in the high north. Communities rely on conservation officers in order to live a safe and somewhat stress free daily life.
Beluga whales are naturally curious and friendly toward humans in boats and kayaks. Recent pressure from Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans to enforce restrictions on approaching beluga whales as well as distance restrictions of 100 meters were met with frustration and anger from local tour companies. This video shows the gregarious characteristics of the belugas. Enjoy!
Beluga whales have descended upon the Churchill region and the seasonal pull of the warmer water and shallow estuaries of freshwater rivers are driving the migration once again. Having spent over 10 seasons guiding in Churchill, I know the feeling of returning to the region and sharing the waters with thousands of these magical creatures. This is truly one of the most magical experiences on Earth!