Churchill Weekly Photos – Wat’chee Aurora

These phenomenal four aurora shots were taken by Alex De Vries – Magnifico at Discover Churchill are out in the polar bear denning area in Wapusk National Park. Wat’chee Lodge is the premier location to see polar bears emerging from their winter dens. Although Alex wasn’t fortunate enough to observe polar bears near their dens this trip, he was with some awesome photographers from around the world. They all were lucky to be bathed in these incredible northern lights in the cold, crisp northern skies! Enjoy!

Churchill Weekly Photos – Discover Churchill’s Borealis

These three shots by Alex De Vries – Magnifico at Discover Churchill document the magnificence of Churchill’s Spectacular northern lights. The official season is coming up but one can view the aurora borealis almost any time of the year with the right conditions! Of course if your a Churchillian like Alex, you have incredible opportunities to capture spectacular aurora images year round. Enjoy!

Churchill Photo of the Week

Churchill river break up and sunset

The Churchill River is gorgeous during the spring break – up! Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.

There’s nothing more awe-inspiring and beautiful in Churchill than the annual Churchill River ice break – up in the spring. This image by Discover Churchill with the sunset flowing across the ice floes is an amazing shot! Looking forward to all the life springing up across the bountiful tundra and waters of Churchill.

Aurora Lights – Discover Churchill

Here are some final retrospective aurora shots from Alex De Vries – Magnifico at Discover Churchill. These astonishing images of northern lights were taken over the last couple of weeks of Natural Habitat Adventures’ northern lights season. Alex has been a reliable source of incredible northern lights pics over the years and this season has been no exception. Another season is in the books with nearly all travelers seeing phenomenal aurora displays over multiple nights. Can’t wait for Churchill Summer adventures to get underway! Enjoy!

aurora borealis churchill

Circular aurora borealis over the Wapusk Adventures dogsled camp in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


northern lights churchill

Northern lights illuminate the Canadian Shield in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


Discover Churchill aurora borealis Churchill

Aurora borealis illuminates a Krumholz spruce on the Churchill tundra. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill aurora borealis

Natural Habitat’s Aurora Pod with a funnel of northern lights overhead. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill aurora borealis

Northern lights cast a green hue on the snow-covered tundra in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill northern lights.

View of the shimmering northern lights through the boulders of the precambrian shield. Discover Churchill photo.

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