Churchill Weekly Photo – Whati Sunset

A Whati sunset at 12:35 am. What an amazing shot by Andrew Diveky.
This weeks featured photo is from Whati in the Northwest Territories on Frame Lake. A beautiful shot from the great far north!
A Whati sunset at 12:35 am. What an amazing shot by Andrew Diveky.
This weeks featured photo is from Whati in the Northwest Territories on Frame Lake. A beautiful shot from the great far north!
The north has certain times of the year when sunsets and sunrises are exquisite! As fall approaches the colors become more vibrant and crystal clear producing shots like the first image over Great Slave Lake in Yellowknife by Andrew Diveky. The change in temperature and moisture level in the air combine to allow for the best optics and clarification in the sky.
During the winter, especially the early part when the Hudson Bay still has open water, the same affect with even more brilliant colors produces incredible sunsets and rises. Ice crystals in the atmosphere in early morning and later afternoon facilitate a magnification of light and colors to produce vivid sky scapes. Other features such as sun – dogs, rainbows and horizon mirages are also produced during these conditions.
Churchill’s incredible landscape and wildlife diversity provide an eclectic foreground features for the sensational colors of the morning and evening skies. These are some of the best shots from the north. Stay tuned for more awesome shots to come!
Great Slave Lake sunset. Andrew Diveky photo.
Sunset in Clyde River, Nunavut. Nick Illauq photo.
Awesome sunset shot nfrom the beach in Churchill. Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.
Sunset in Churchill. Katie de Meulles photo.
Sunset and polar bears. Katie de Meulles photo.