Northern Lights Reflections


Aurora borealis over Churchill, Manitoba

Aurora flowing over the boreal forest in Churchill. Alex de Vries – Magnifico photo.


Aurora borealis in Churchill.

Waiting for the clouds to clear to see the glorious aurora borealis. Discover Churchill photo.


Northern lights blazing in the Churchill sky above the Nat Hab/ great White Bear cabin off Goose Creek Road. Don Walkoski photo.

These awesome northern lights images from Alex de Vries-Magnifico and Discover Churchill, as well as a cool Creek Cabin shot from GWB’s Don Walkoski capture the intense aurora borealis we have seen this season in Churchill. Sad to see the season-ending for Natural Habitat Adventures travelers. We cannot wait until next season but keep in mind the northern lights can be seen year-round in Churchill. Winter is prime season though at the right times in summer and fall one can get a phenomenal experience!

Images of Polar Bear Season

For decades Great White Bear Tours has been Natural Habitat’s partner in logistics and providing travelers with access to the most heavily polar bear populated region in North America. The Churchill Wildlife Management Area is where all the incredible polar bear action takes place and Great White Bear Tundra Lodge has been home to lucky Nat Hab travelers for years now during October and November. These photos from GWB wonderfully capture the polar bear season that just finished up in Churchill. Enjoy!

Great White Bear polar rover churchill

Great White Bear polar rover in Churchill. Konan Wendt photo.


polar bear in Churchill

Pensive polar bear in the Churchill willows. GWB photo.


Red fox in Churchill

Red fox staring out at the water in Churchill. GWB photo.


Polar bears in Churchill

Polar bears sparring in the CWMA. Henry Zhang photo.


Snowy owl in Churchill.

Snowy owl above the Churchill tundra. Don Walkoski photo.


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