by Steve Selden | Nov 1, 2015 | Churchill Photography
Halloween in Churchill is like no other place in the world when Halloween night comes. Every street is patrolled by the town and Manitoba Conservation to insure all kids and families are safe from polar bears.Children are not allowed to dress in white either….no ghosts on this Halloween night. Enjoy these photos from Churchillian Jody Grosbrink and Happy Halloween.

Polar bears on the tundra in Churchill. Jodi Grosbrink photo

by Steve Selden | Oct 13, 2015 | Churchill News

Will you be a polar bear this Halloween? Natural Habitat Adventures photo.
This Halloween Animal quiz is a fun way to see what animal you should be for Halloween. Natural Habitat Adventures has come up with this as a fun way to celebrate the upcoming holiday and get ready to dress in your animal personality. Halloween in Churchill is quite different from the ones we experience in the rest of the world. Polar bear patrols with floodlights search the town area street by street while children go trick or treating to ensure their safety. However, in Churchill, kids are not allowed to dress as polar bears or in white for that matter. Keep an eye out for an exciting blog post this coming Halloween from Churchill!