by Steve Selden | Feb 3, 2017 | Videos
Alex De Vries – Magnifico filmed this truly northern scene about a week ago at Dave Daley’s Wapusk Adventures’ dog yard just outside Churchill proper. In an area known as Joe Buck’s Ridge, in the boreal forest, any light from the town fades away in the distance and aurora borealis viewing is epic on clear nights. What a night and overall a great week to begin an awesome 2017 northern lights season. Enjoy!
by Steve Selden | Feb 12, 2016 | Tour News
Three more cool northern lights photos from Alex De Vries Magnifico in Churchill. The Aurora Domes shot is a great view of the aurora above the domes from a low ground level angle. With the temperatures well below freezing, the comfort of the domes has been invaluable. With two dome shaped plexi-glass viewing areas. a comfortable lounge area and space outside to capture epic images, the Aurora Domes are unmatched when viewing the northern lights.

Wild shot of the Aurora Domes in Churchill. Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.
Wapusk Adventures compound up on Joe Buck’s Ridge off goose Creek Road requires a bit more courage when braving the frigid cold these past couple of weeks. A fire – warmed tee pee provides an amazing prop for this nearly perfected image with the northern lights in the sky. Another shot inside the tee pee gives a feel for what it’s like to live and survive in the age old shelter. Natural Habitat Adventures travelers have been awed by the experience on the dog sleds as well as the rustic feel around the compound.

A creative image of the tee pee at Wapusk Adventures dogsledding compound. Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.

Inside the tee pee at Wapusk Adventures. Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.
by Steve Selden | Jan 18, 2016 | Churchill Photography
Gray jays are quite friendly at Dave Daley’s mushing camp at Joe Bucks Ridge in Churchill!

Katie de Meulles lets a gray jay land on her hand at Dave Daley’s mushing yard!