by Steve Selden | Dec 7, 2016 | Churchill News
Following an unusual two week extended polar bear “season” in the Churchill region, it finally seems that polar bears will be hunting seals out on the Hudson Bay ice – pack sooner than later. North winds and a dramatic drop in temperature has brought the ice in for good it appears. With tension around town growing increasingly high due to polar bears roaming the streets, ice on the Hudson Bay has never been more welcomed! Thanks to Polar Bear Alley and Great White Bear Tours for the awesome photos.
Ice on the Hudson Bay in Churchill. Polar Bear Alley photo.
Mother and cub polar bear linger in the middle of the road. Great White Bear Tours photo.
by Steve Selden | May 19, 2014 | Churchill News
Churchill is warming up these days and soon the Arctic summer will be in full regalia. It is such a hopeful and vibrant time in the north as living things emerge from the bitter cold and snow cocoon. Sure, there will be days where the fierce north winds return with a vengeance of icy cold on its’ heals…but soon the summer will give all the locals the much needed peace of walking outside without ten pounds of extra coverings.
Here are some summer pics to get everyone in the spirit of the Arctic summer. Although it’s short, the days are cherished and deeply appreciated by Churchillians and travelers alike.
Beluga whale on the surface. Steve Selden photo.
Swans on a thermakarst in the Churchill Wildlife Management area. Ed Bouvier photo.
Trolling for beluga whales in the Churchill River.
Hudsonian godwit near the Churchill shore. Rhonda Reid photo.
Ed Bouvier photo.
Wild flowers and precambrian shield. Steve Selden photo.