Train Back In Churchill After 560 Days – Video

This video account of riding the first train back to Churchill in 560 days is quite poignant and really touches the heart of the “lifeline” that is the Hudson Bay Railroad. Via Rail sent its first passenger train to Churchill and so many lives were reunited for the first time in a long time. It seems like just yesterday that the continuing battle over the responsibility for repairing the tracks was reaching a tumultuous head. Now with the tracks intact and rail service restored, the northern towns are connected again with the rest of the province and beyond. Polar bear, northern lights and beluga whale seasons will be enjoyed by so many more travelers now in the coming years!

Aurora Lights – Discover Churchill

Here are some final retrospective aurora shots from Alex De Vries – Magnifico at Discover Churchill. These astonishing images of northern lights were taken over the last couple of weeks of Natural Habitat Adventures’ northern lights season. Alex has been a reliable source of incredible northern lights pics over the years and this season has been no exception. Another season is in the books with nearly all travelers seeing phenomenal aurora displays over multiple nights. Can’t wait for Churchill Summer adventures to get underway! Enjoy!

aurora borealis churchill

Circular aurora borealis over the Wapusk Adventures dogsled camp in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


northern lights churchill

Northern lights illuminate the Canadian Shield in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


Discover Churchill aurora borealis Churchill

Aurora borealis illuminates a Krumholz spruce on the Churchill tundra. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill aurora borealis

Natural Habitat’s Aurora Pod with a funnel of northern lights overhead. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill aurora borealis

Northern lights cast a green hue on the snow-covered tundra in Churchill. Discover Churchill photo.


Churchill northern lights.

View of the shimmering northern lights through the boulders of the precambrian shield. Discover Churchill photo.

Churchill Sunday Photo – Aurora Time

northern lights in Churchill.

Northern tree line underneath the stars and swash of the northern lights in Churchill. Lindsey Bell photo.

Great White Bear Tours shuttle driver Lindsey Bell took this rugged portrayal of the phenomenal Churchill northern lights with her last Natural Habitat Adventures group of the season. Lindsey worked tirelessly all season to insure Nat Hab travelers and their leaders had the most exciting and rewarding northern experiences of their lives. We look forward to our next adventures in the not so far off Churchill Northern Summer trips. Enjoy!

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