The Hudson Bay remains calm with scattered ice chunks floating towards shore aided by light North winds. Temperatures hovered around 25F, just low enough to allow bears to continue moving all across the tundra and in and around town. The sound of cracker shells, so common now they almost go unnoticed, reverberates through town day and night. The bear holding compound is still at the capacity of 26 and bear lifts are imminent.
Guide Melissa reported “bears everywhere” in the CWMA surrounded by perfect, soft lighting. All types of behavior; sparring males, sleeping bears in the willows and kelp beds and curious bears around the rover all made for another good morning. Between the lodge and Gordon Point, the group witnessed bears trying to get out farther on the ice. Mom was ahead testing the tenuous surface while cubs trailed energetically behind. Once at Gordon Point a sow was nursing her cub amongst the kelp while our travelers watched calmly. Later, just as the groups were returning to launch, an Arctic Fox came running by the rovers giving travelers a nice tundra send – off. On the way into town Melissa’s group caught glimpse of a Red fox on the outskirts trying to find a lemming before sundown.

Polar bears in Churchill. Melissa Scott Photo.
Guide Sue and her loyal folks were on their town and area excursion when an Arctic hare paused just near the bus then zig-zagged through the snow, across the rocks away from view. Shortly after the group was by the Inukshuk behind the complex just as a bear came running frantically along the beach heading into the rocks towards Cape Merry. The animal must have found a safe spot to bed down for the time being as Natural Resource officers were at a loss as to where he was. Later as the group headed out on their night rover trip, two Red fox bid them good-bye from the Polar Inn. Not long after they departed launch in the rover, many bears appeared over the tundra. An Arctic fox ran by as a large sub-adult seemingly led the rover along the trail toward the Tundra Lodge. He guided them slowly then veered off and out across a frozen pond. A sure highlight once at the lodge was long-time resident “Rocky” growling at two other big bears in the territory. All three bruins were nose to nose before the two others moved away deferring to the champ. Yo Adrian! Adrian! These two may have joined in some sparring bouts later on as well. Middleweight class.
Guide Sandra’s troupe was quite enjoying the night rover experience as well… laughing and joking incessantly…mostly directed in Sandra’s direction albeit in adoring fashion while the sparring was happening in the vicinity of the lodge. Bears everywhere. On the way in from a fun night, the group saw an Arctic hare scampering along in the dusky light. Good night.