Sled dog taking a quick rest between runs in Churchill, Manitoba.

Sled dog taking a quick rest between runs in Churchill. Steve Selden photo.

Check out these amazing photos from Natural Habitat guides in Churchill, Manitoba. In all season’s there are endless opportunities for incredible photos in Churchill. Photography tours run through all the seasons with expert photographers teaching techniques and tricks of the trade. Enjoy these!

Polar bear at the polar rover. Colby Brokvist photo.
Polar bear at the polar rover. Colby Brokvist photo.



Polar bear sniffing a polar rover in Churchill, Manitoba.

Polar bear looking for a free lunch. Brad Josephs photo.


Red fox in the willows. Churchill,Mb

A red fox gazes curiously at some guests. Brad Josephs photo.

Sleeping polar bear on the tundra.

Sleeping bear on the tundra in the CWMA. Brad Josephs photo.

Summer polar bear in Churchill.

Polar bear along the Hudson Bay coast.

Come to Churchill for some amazing polar bear photography opportunities!

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