Northern lights in Churchill, Manitoba.

Northern lights with tee-pee in the foreground. Brad Josephs photo.

Natural Habitat travelers with guide Brad Josephs have been experiencing some of the most incredible northern lights of the year in Churchill. These beautiful photographs with the aurora overhead highlight the dynamic greenish swirls being fueled by higher than normal solar flare activity. As you can see, even a bus with interior lights takes on a dynamic look when surrounded by northern lights. Temperatures have been cold though bearable when observing such rare displays of aurora borealis.

With the Hudson Bay Quest only nine days away, the excitement is building with these nightly displays of mother nature’s fireworks!

Northern lights in Churchill, Manitoba.

A view back towards Churchill with amazing aurora. Brad Josephs photo.

Aurora borealis over Churchill, Manitoba.

Incredible northern lights with a reminder of bear season. Brad Josephs photo.

Natural Habitat traveler with northern lights. Brad Josephs photo.

A reminder of polar bear season with aurora above. Brad Josephs photo.

Aurora borealis over Churchill, Manitoba.

Even a bus looks beautiful with the northern lights above. Brad Josephs photo.

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