Amidst the magnificent diversity of wildlife viewing this polar bear season, another phenomena has captured the attention of many travelers to the north country. Clearly the highlight of this polar bear season in Churchill has been the fairly consistent northern lights and their multi – colored displays in the northern sky. Polar bear sparring, particularly out around the Tundra Lodge in the Churchill Wildlife management Area, has been steady and exciting over the past couple of weeks. Clear skies have provided the opportunity for northern lights viewing for almost every Natural Habitat Adventures group this season. Incredible night shows!

Northern lights above the confines of the boreal forest in Churchill. Alex De Vries – Magnifico photo.
Over the years, Churchill has revealed some other, less visible wildlife such as moose, wolves, pine martens and perigrine falcons. This image below by Natural Habitat Adventures guide Colby Brokvist of a wolverine is one of the best I’ve ever seen out of Churchill. Colby reported that, “the animal climbed up the tree to try and swat the helicopter out of the air, protecting his ground.” just an amazing shot!

Wolverine climbing tree out on the tundra. Colby Brokvist photo.
These next few polar bear photos by Natural Habitat guide Drew Hamilton are great shots of the relaxation process polar bears go through during this time of walking hibernation. Polar bears do engage in sparring and active walking and hunting if possible though much of their time during the fall is spent conserving energy in the snow, kelp or willows.

Polar bear in a kelp bed. Drew Hamilton photo.

Polar bear sporting a battle scar. Drew Hamilton photo.

Relaxing polar bear in Churchill. Drew Hamilton photo.
This closing shot by Natural Habitat guide Colby Brokvist is typical of what this season has delivered with regards to incredible aurora borealis. This could be the best season for northern lights we have seen in a decade in Churchill…lets hope it continues for the next few weeks.

Magnificent northern lights over the inukshuk by the Hudson Bay in Churchill. Colby Brokvist photo.
My husband and I are about to catch our flight back to the U.S. Our adventure with Colby as our guide, was the best trip ever!!! Colby is full of knowledge, care and enthusiasm!!! Thank you to Colby and of course to NatHab!!! A shout out to our van driver, Stephanie and rover driver, Lisa. These women also shared their knowledge and took excellent care of us!!