Nearly two feet of snow has fallen in Churchill and it was still coming down at the time of this report. Whiteout conditions and cold temperatures – -11 C- have prompted the Town of Churchill to shut down operations and advise people to stay inside. The polar bear capital of the world is not foreign to such occurrences with this kind of storm causing havoc at least once or twice throughout the winter. Things should be up and running tomorrow according to the forecast.
-Closure Due to Adverse Weather-
March 14, 2016
Due to the limited visibility and heavy snow fall the Town of Churchill will be shutting down operations this afternoon for the safety of staff and residents. Should you require any emergency assistance please contact our on call operators at 204-675-0108
All programming is cancelled within the Town Centre Complex and will resume as scheduled tomorrow. We are asking all residents to stay inside and stay safe!

Whiteout conditions in Churchill today. Mark Reynolds photo.

Nearly two feet of snow has fallen in Churchill today. Katie de Meulles photo.