A polar bear on the rocks warming in the sun. Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
A sleepy polar bear waking up from an afternoon nap Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
Arctic Hare scavenging for a morsel of food on the Churchill tundra. Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
A polar bear lounging in the refreshing Churchill snow. Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
Two polar bears venturing out on the Hudson Bay ice. Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
A big male polar bear looking for some fun or a meal. Alex De Vries-Magnifico photo.
Wow..what fantastic shots from Churchill photographer Alex De Vries – Magnifico from the tundra. These polar bears and Arctic hare appear healthy and happy as they meander the Churchill Wildlife Management Area. Another polar bear season in Churchill has come and gone with the Hudson Bay ice forming just as the season finished up. The infusion of travelers to Churchill this past October and November hopefully provided some relief from the saga of the train not running. Wishing all Churchillians an uplifting holiday season and new year ahead!
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