Northern lights seem to be coming from the chimney of this cabin. Andre Brandt photo.
Aurora Borealis above the Ithaca shipwreck in Churchill. Andre Brandt photo.
Northern lights always look awesome with water below. Andre Brandt photo.
Northern lights flooding the sky above tee pee at Wapusk Adventures in Churchill. Andre Brandt photo.
The most photographed inukshuk in the north. Located behind the town complex in Churchill on the beach. Andre Brandt photo.
Andre Brandt is becoming one of the premier northern lights photographers in the world. He spends a lot of time in the north and especially around the aurora borealis mecca of Churchill, Manitoba. Most of these shots are from around that region and the unique perspective Andre adds is what sets his images apart from others. Visit his site to see all of his work. We can never get enough of awesome northern lights pics from the Arctic! Enjoy!
See the Northern Lights of Churchill!
Churchill, Manitoba is one of the best places on the planet to view the aurora borealis, and 2016 is predicted to continue some of the most intense aurora activity in years!
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