Aerial view of a washout along the Hudson Bay Rail line. Arctic Gateway photo.
Heavy equipment lifting damaged track from the line in Manitoba. Arctic Gateway photo.
Laying the foundation for one of the many washouts along the Hudson Bay Line in Manitoba. Arctic Gateway photo.
Steamroller packing the ground of a washout. Arctic Gateway photo.
Two steamrollers pack the ground next to a newly installed culvert used for drainage. Arctic Gateway photo.
An ice age remnant boulder uncovered by the Hudson Bay line as work continues. Arctic Gateway photo.
The Arctic Gateway group, new owners of the Port of Churchill and the 100 mile stretch of track known as the Hudson Bay Line, are working diligently to repair all the washouts and problem spots along the line. Weather is cooperating and hopes are high the work can be completed before winter blows in from the north. Hopes for finishing before the polar bear season in October are a longshot at best. So far, so good as these photos from Arctic Gateway portray. What a relief to all the people living along the tracks and especially those residents in Churchill, the northern terminus of the railway.
See the Northern Lights of Churchill!
Churchill, Manitoba is one of the best places on the planet to view the aurora borealis, and 2016 is predicted to continue some of the most intense aurora activity in years!
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