As the Churchill Arctic summer nears we will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of thousands of beluga whales, some with their calves, from the north. I can’t wait to see images from the season and all the other Arctic treasures around the tundra. Stay tuned for the fantastic experiences reported here throughout the summer.
Beluga whales will soon be all around the Churchill River estuary as summer nears! Alex De Vries Magnifico photo.
Check out this pretty informative video about beluga whales. The narrative is a bit pedantic though filled with tons of facts about the species. This beluga 101 footage and narration is a great primer for anyone considering travelling to Churchill this coming summer. I guarantee you will want to return after one trip to the beluga mecca. The western Hudson Bay is a prime destination for belugas in summer as there are multiple tributary rivers where the whales can travel up-river to warm waters. The Churchill River is teeming with over 2,000 belugas from June to late August though his year some whales lingered until October. The experience of being surrounded by pods of belugas compares to none other!
Incredibly magical drone video of beluga whales in Nunavut’s Cunningham Inlet by twenty-four-year-old Arctic tour guide Nansen Weber. Over 2,000 beluga whales gather in this area near Resolute in the high Arctic. Churchill has nearly the same amount of beluga whales migrate to its estuaries in the Arctic summer. What a way to get a different perspective!
So I guess I lied about the last beluga whale photos I posted by writing they would the final shots of the season. These clear underwater shots by Douglas Kahle are some real gems. We can’t seem to get enough looks at these incredible mammals that return to the Churchill waters every year.
Google Earth map of beluga whales moving north for the winter.
Almost all of the belugas are on their journey north by now, many to the Hudson Straits area where they will overwinter. The straits have open water or polynas that allow the whales to surface for air from time to time as needed. The above map is from 10 days ago so whales are further north and traversing the Hudson Bay at this point.
Beluga underwater in Churchill. Douglas Khale photo.
Pod of belugas underwater. Douglas Kahle photo.
Curios and friendly beluga whales in Churchill. Douglas Kahle photo.
Beluga spyhopping underwater in Churchill. Douglas Kahle photo.
The Churchill Arctic summer season continues on and beluga whales are still plentiful in the estuaries around Churchill. This shot by Alex De Vries – Magnifico came on another beautiful day on the Churchill River. There’s nothing like sharing the water with these majestic mammals!
Belugas in the Churchill River. Alex De Vries Magnifico photo.